Achieving Real Estate Success

with Catherine Richardson

A 7-Step Blueprint for Building Your Profitable, Sustainable Business


Real Estate Isn’t the Simple, Lucrative Business You Thought

It Would Be

...Instead, It’s a Daily Struggle to Attract Leads, Compete for Listings, and Close Enough Sales to Make Ends Meet

You could keep chasing dead-end leads, hoping clients will appear, and wondering when you’ll actually make money—that’s what most new agents do. (And it’s why most new agents give up within a couple of years.)

Or you could…learn proven, practical ways to get more leads, more listings, and more sales—all while building a pipeline of happy clients,
eager to send more business your way.

Most new real estate agents have ONE big question…

“I have my real estate license. Now what?”

Let me got into this business for the pros:

Unlimited income potential

Flexible schedule

Being your own boss

But it isn’t quite what you hoped it would be…

And you’re eyebrow-deep in the cons:

The burden of finding leads

is all on you. Aside from

drumming up business from

long-lost family members, awkward cold calling, and

stalking the expired listings,

you’re at a loss for how to get


Even when you land a client,

you’re still on shaky ground,

afraid you’ll be blindsided by

any number of deal-breakers,

and bracing yourself for

another lost sale, sending

you into a slump for several

days or weeks!

You’re not sure of the best

way to take the client on the

buying journey, from start to

finish—the journey that ends

with a sale on the books, a

commission check, and a

happy client.

And you find yourself picking

at the leftovers, as you watch

your flashier, more

experienced competition snag

another listing.

The biggest problem—you

are working too hard for too

little. You’re struggling to

bring in enough income, and

hustling way too hard for what

you’re earning.

Underneath it all? Your confidence takes a massive beating and

it is keeping you from creating the business—and life—you want.

And some days, if you are going to be totally honest, you feel like quitting…

I get it. I’ve been there. The good news is you don't have to stay there.

Why Spend Another Day Second-Guessing Your Career Choice...

When You Could Fast Track Your Success With a Solid Foundation

and a Plan to Move You Forward

The quicker you stop focusing solely on the leads and sales feeding frenzy, and start focusing on being an advocate for your clients, the quicker you’ll build a real estate business that lasts.

The secret to success in this business:

It’s not about the sales. It’s about the clients.

Your job is more than closing a deal. Your job is to be that trusted advisor, to advocate for your clients.

And it’s your ability to navigate the complexities of dealing with humans—and their emotions, fears, needs, desires—that makes you or breaks you in real estate.

Happy clients make your real estate career.

What if you knew exactly what to focus on every day?

What if you had a long-term plan—beyond immediate lead-gen and this month’s revenue—a trajectory for your career and business?

What if you could keep a steady stream of leads flowing to you with tried-and-true prospecting approaches and a marketing plan that actually works?

It’s possible...but “working harder” isn’t going to do the trick.

Because being busy does not equal being successful.

Your success isn’t measured by the number of showings you do, or the number of leads you have, or even by your sales stats...

Success is measured in satisfied clients.

There are new real estate agents, just like you, who are building their reputations and building their businesses.

What do they know that you don’t?

Turns Out, There Is a Right Way (and a Wrong Way) to Set Yourself Up for Success in Real Estate...

The Wrong Way

  • Expecting to be fully prepared for reality, parachuting into the real estate field fresh out of licensing, hoping someone will tell you what to do

  • Self-sabotaging by only focusing on NOW, only planning for the short-term, and thinking you might not be in this business that long anyway

  • Being laser-focused on leads, leads, and more leads, without knowing what to do to turn those leads into clients, let alone what to do once you get a client

  • Jeopardizing client relationships by not listening to their needs (Example: showing your client 16 downtown condos, when he told you his dream home is a two story farmhouse on a 10-acre lot)

  • Struggling in silence because you think this should be easier, and you should be able to figure it all out on your own

The Right Way

  • Developing confidence in yourself as an agent and business owner, which leads to your clients feeling confident in you too

  • Cultivating genuine relationships through listening, understanding, and always having your client’s best interests at heart

  • Becoming a problem solver who knows the in’s and out’s, the unwritten rules, and can anticipate issues before they cause a stress-headache for the client (and for you) and cost you the sale

  • Building a reputation and brand that positions you as an advocate for your clients, a trusted advisor—someone they’ll return to and refer new clients to again and again

  • Asking for help when you need it because the most successful people have coaches, and you don’t have 10 years to make this work—you need to make it happen now

Hi, I’m Catherine Richardson,

and I’ve been where you are now...

When I launched my career as a real estate broker in 1998, there was a lot at stake.

I was a single mom who had walked away from my corporate job—and a steady paycheck, health benefits, a retirement plan, and paid vacation. I walked away from security and a job that bored me to tears every day.

There I was with the weight of that decision on my back, and I had no idea how the real estate business worked.

Sure, I had my license—and all of the knowledge that comes along with it—but I didn’t know where to start, or how to “behave” in the real estate world.

I had a lot of questions...

“How do I get more listings? How do I get better at my job? What do successful real estate agents know that I don’t know?”

But I found few answers in the training that was available to me (And the pro agents weren’t sharing their secrets either.)

I didn’t know how to build a successful business that would pay the bills immediately AND withstand the moods of the market.

I did know that I never wanted to be chained to a corporate job again.

My first year of income came 100% from listing FSBOs, and I sold one buyer a home. I was new in town and didn’t know anyone. I had no one to rely on but me, and I was determined to make it.

I spent years learning the business, while hustling on the job. I built a foundation on which my business could grow and evolve, and I crafted a reputation based on respect, expertise, and a genuine desire to help my clients.

Since then, I’ve buckled up for the ride through many different markets: a seller's market, a buyer's market, a down market, an up market, and a market crash.

Twenty-one years, and $200,000,000 in sales later...I’m ready to bring all of my best strategies, tactics, tools, and insider knowledge to you.

When You Start with a Solid Foundation, You Gain Confidence, Clients, and Momentum

(and you lose the struggle, insecurity, and fear)

What if you knew exactly what to focus on every day to make the real estate business of your dreams your reality?

You’d know how to get leads —without depending on extravagantly priced lead-purchasing schemes that guarantee absolutely nothing…

You’d consistently turn leads into prospects and prospects into clients —without a single high-pressure sales tactic or trick...

You’d attract ideal clients, cultivate long-lasting relationships, and get repeat referrals —without wasting your time (and money) on marketing tactics that simply don't work (refrigerator magnets, I’m looking at you)...

You’d skillfully guide your buyers and sellers through every step of the process—without being blindsided by the inevitable pitfalls of the process...

You’d be proud of the reputation-based brand you’re building—without succumbing to the lure of putting a sale over your client’s needs...

You’d have a vision for your business, a revenue plan, and a clear trajectory for success —without feeling overwhelmed and insecure about your future...

All of this it might seem out of reach right now, when you’re working hard, but not seeing results (not enough listings, not enough buyers, not enough leads). And I know you might feel like you’re on your own.

I also know it’s possible to get what you want: a profitable and consistent real estate career. Now.

That’s why...

I’m sharing my step-by-step blueprint, so you can set yourself up for long-term success in real estate

as quickly and painlessly as possible).

Because when you have a proven plan, you can…


Achieving Real Estate Success

with Catherine Richardson

A 7-Step Blueprint for Building Your Profitable, Sustainable Business

An online training program for new real estate agents (in business less than 5 years), who are frustrated by their lack of results, and want to follow a proven-effective path to success.

In seven modules, with video trainings, downloadable action plans, and worksheets, you get the same step-by-step blueprint I used to create a successful and sustainable real estate business...


Not sure if you can make this business work? It’s a lot easier to get where you want to be, if you have a specific destination in mind.

By the end of this module, you’ll have a vision for your brand, a grasp of the important business decisions you need to make, a revenue goal— plus a plan to achieve it.

We’ll dive into:

  • How to create a compelling vision for your business and your brand, so you can make plans and decisions on purpose

  • How to set realistic, but exciting, revenue goals, so you can create a doable revenue plan—with room to grow

  • How to approach important business decisions with confidence, so you can get clear on your role as an agent, the clients you want to serve, and the type of business you want to own

You’ll be using these tools to create a plan for your dream business:

  • Revenue Formula Worksheet

  • Pivotal Decision Points Assessment

  • Defining Goals Worksheet


Not willing to pay a ridiculous ransom for leads? (Me either!) Instead of throwing a bucket of random leads at you, I’ll teach you how to “fish.”

By the end of this module, you’ll know how to prospect for leads right now, and how to fill your sales pipeline by playing the long-game of marketing (and still get quick wins).

We’ll dive into:

  • How to create your own special formula for know, like, and trust so you can turn right-fit prospects into dream clients (and even stay top-of-mind when they’re not quite ready to act).

  • The difference between marketing and prospecting

  • How to easily track your activities so you can discover what’s getting results (and what isn’t)

You’ll be using these tools to attract leads through marketing and prospecting:

  • 9 Out of the Box Prospecting and Marketing Approaches

  • Prospecting Success Tracker

  • Lead Sources List and Worksheet

  • Cold Calling Scripts


You need systems in place to build consistency. This module specifically focuses on giving you the processes and frameworks you need to lay the foundation of your real estate empire.

By the end of this module, you’ll have the best strategies and tools for converting leads into clients and creating

long- lasting relationships.

We’ll dive into:

  • How to create a simple plan that you can execute every single day so you can build your prospecting muscle and stay consistent, even when you hear the word “no.”

  • How to follow up with a lead so you can be sure no potential sale disappears from your radar

You’ll be using these tools to organize your day and build a solid foundation:

  • Sample Calendar

  • Selecting and Setting up the Best CRM for


  • Busy Work or Income Producing

  • Mindset Checklist

  • Sources for Phone Numbers


You have a good prospect, now what? It’s not about the sale. It’s about the relationship.

By the end of this module, you’ll have the tools you need to develop the natural skills needed to put your buyer first,

making you their “go-to” referred agent and elevating your reputation in the industry.

We’ll dive into:

  • How to drill down to a detailed dream home wish list, so you won’t waste your client’s time (or yours) on properties they don’t want

  • How to bring your expertise to the table - not your opinion, so you can operate with your

    client's best interests in mind

  • How to act as a trusted advisor for your client so

    you can ease the stress of the buying process on

    your clients

You’ll be using these tools to solve problems for your buying clients:

  • Dream Home Questionnaire

  • How to Build Your Reputation Within the

    Industry - my unwritten rules of the

    real estate industry.

  • Questions You Must Ask Every Buyer


Selling and buying, are they so different? Yes! Being on the seller’s end requires a unique skillset.

By the end of this module, you’ll know how to understand the seller’s motivation, how to arrive at the right price,

and how to guide your client from start to close.

We’ll dive into:

  • How to tactfully find out why your client is selling and understand the emotions behind it, so you can proactively address their pain points and sticking points (and not take things personally)

  • How to understand the nuances of pricing and commission negotiation, so you can be a trusted advocate for your client, while still respecting

    your own boundaries.

You’ll be using these tools to solve problems for your selling clients:

  • Commission Negotiation Script

  • Preparing Your Home for Sale Checklist

  • Questions You Must Ask Every Seller

  • 15 Killer Open House Strategies

  • Absorption Worksheet

  • Closing Scripts


What’s the X factor in real estate? It’s service.

By the end of this module, you’ll have the strategies and tools to deal with the emotional side of clients,

communicate effectively, and manage your own emotions.

We’ll dive into:

  • How to understand the complexities of the human buying and selling experience and how it impacts your business, so you can empathize with your client’s emotions, fears, needs, desires—without letting them derail you

  • How to communicate with your clients in a way that makes them feel informed and heard, so you can provide excellent service and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings

  • How to understand the art and science of timing, so you can use it to your client’s advantage

You’ll be using these tools to provide great service for your clients:

  • 12 Statements to Neutralize Your Client's Emotions

  • Client Communication Quiz so you can adapt to your Client's style.


Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to work so hard to get leads? Enter the referral. It’s not as easy as it once was to land great referrals. With a proven system to generate referrals, you can leapfrog ahead of the competition in your market.

By the end of this module, you’ll have my best secrets for earning referrals from past clients and other service providers.

We’ll dive into:

  • How to maintain ongoing relationships with past clients and give them unexpected extras, so you can stay top of mind.

  • How to be a one-stop resource for your clients, so you can be known for taking great care of your clients.

  • How to work well with others such as attorneys, mortgage brokers and title companies, so you can build a reputation as a professional.

You’ll be using these tools to make them remember you and get referrals:

  • 20 Gifts Your Clients Will Love

  • Always Reward a Referral


Not sure if you can make this business work? It’s a lot easier to get where you want to be, if you have a specific destination in mind.

By the end of this module, you’ll have a vision for your brand, a grasp of the important business decisions you need to make, a revenue goal— plus a plan to achieve it.

We’ll dive into:

How to create a compelling vision for your business and your brand, so you can make plans and decisions on purpose

How to set realistic, but exciting, revenue goals, so you can create a doable revenue plan—with room to grow

How to approach important business decisions with confidence, so you can get clear on your role as an agent, the clients you want to serve, and the type of business you want to own

You’ll be using these tools to create a plan for your dream business:

Revenue Formula Worksheet

Pivotal Decision Points Assessment

Defining Goals Worksheet


Not willing to pay a ridiculous ransom for leads? (Me either!) Instead of throwing a bucket of random leads at you, I’ll teach you how to “fish.”

By the end of this module, you’ll know how to prospect for leads right now, and how to fill your sales pipeline by playing the long-game of marketing (and still get quick wins).

We’ll dive into:

  • How to create your own special formula for know, like, and trust so you can turn right-fit prospects into dream clients (and even stay top-of-mind when they’re not quite ready to act).

  • The difference between marketing and prospecting

  • How to easily track your activities so you can discover what’s getting results (and what isn’t)

You’ll be using these tools to attract leads through marketing and prospecting:

  • 9 Out of the Box Prospecting and Marketing Approaches

  • Prospecting Success Tracker

  • Lead Sources List and Worksheet

  • Cold Calling Scripts


You need systems in place to build consistency. This module specifically focuses on giving you the processes and frameworks you need to lay the foundation of your real estate empire.

By the end of this module, you’ll have the best strategies and tools for converting leads into clients and creating long-lasting relationships.

We’ll dive into:

  • How to create a simple plan that you can execute every single day so you can build your prospecting muscle and stay consistent, even when you hear the word “no.”

  • How to follow up with a lead so you can be sure no potential sale disappears from your radar

You’ll be using these tools to attract leads through marketing and prospecting:

  • Sample Calendar

  • Selecting and Setting up the Best CRM for You

  • Busy Work or Income Producing

  • Mindset Checklist

  • Sources for Phone Numbers


You have a good prospect, now what? It’s not about the sale. It’s about the relationship.

By the end of this module, you’ll have the tools you need to develop the natural skills needed to put your buyer first, making you their “go-to” referred agent and elevating your reputation in the industry.

We’ll dive into:

  • How to drill down to a detailed dream home wish list, so you won’t waste your client’s time (or yours) on properties they don’t want

  • How to bring your expertise to the table - not your opinion, so you can operate with your client’s best interests in mind

  • How to act as a trusted advisor for your client so you can ease the stress of the buying process on your clients.

You’ll be using these tools to attract leads through marketing and prospecting:

  • Dream Home Questionnaire

  • How to Build Your Reputation Within the Industry - my unwritten rules of the real estate industry

  • Questions You Must Ask Every Buyer


Selling and buying, are they so different? Yes! Being on the seller’s end requires a unique skillset.

By the end of this module, you’ll know how to understand the seller’s motivation, how to arrive at the right price, and how to guide your client from start to close.

We’ll dive into:

  • How to tactfully find out why your client is selling and understand the emotions behind it, so you can proactively address their pain points and sticking points (and not take things personally)

  • How to understand the nuances of pricing and commission negotiation, so you can be a trusted advocate for your client, while still respecting your own boundaries

You’ll be using these tools to attract leads through marketing and prospecting:

  • Commission Negotiation Script

  • Preparing Your Home for Sale Checklist

  • Questions You Must Ask Every Seller

  • 15 Killer Open House Strategies

  • Absorption Worksheet

  • Closing Scripts


What’s the X factor in real estate? It’s service.

By the end of this module, you’ll have the strategies and tools to deal with the emotional side of clients, communicate effectively, and manage your own emotions.

We’ll dive into:

  • How to understand the complexities of the human buying and selling experience and how it impacts your business, so you can empathize with your client’s emotions, fears, needs, desires—without letting them derail you

  • How to communicate with your clients in a way that makes them feel informed and heard, so you can provide excellent service and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings

  • How to understand the art and science of timing, so you can use it to your client’s advantage

You’ll be using these tools to attract leads through marketing and prospecting:

  • 12 Statements to Neutralize Your Client’s Emotions

  • Client Communication Quiz so you can adapt to your client’s style


Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to work so hard to get leads? Enter the referral. It’s not as easy as it once was to land great referrals. With a proven system to generate referrals, you can leapfrog ahead of the competition in your market.

By the end of this module, you’ll have my best secrets for earning referrals from past clients and other service providers.

We’ll dive into:

  • How to maintain ongoing relationships with past clients and give them unexpected extras, so you can stay top of mind

  • How to be a one-stop resource for your clients, so you can be known for taking great care of your clients

  • How to work well with others, such as attorneys, mortgage brokers, and title companies, so you can build a reputation as a professional

You’ll be using these tools to attract leads through marketing and prospecting:

  • 20 Gifts Your Clients Will Love

  • Always Reward A Referral

Here’s everything included in

Achieving Real Estate Success:

7 Training Modules

Downloadable Tools, Worksheets, and Scripts

Monthly Group Coaching Calls for Six Months




When you join, you get instant access to Module 1: Creating the Real Estate Business of Your Dreams, so you can dive in right away. Then, another module will be available in your portal each week.

You’ll have lifetime access to the Achieving Real Estate Success course, so you can revisit it anytime you have questions, or want to finetune your career.


Catherine worked with us for over 2(+) years using different creative strategies to sell our multi-million dollar North Stamford home in a strong buyers market. She was highly knowledgeable of the market, local sales and presented a variety of options and always worked to incorporate our ideas.

Jeff C.


Catherine is the most exceptional real estate professional that I have ever had the opportunity to work with. She walked me through my first home-buying process (which can be a stressful undertaking) with immense knowledge, precision, and always keeping my requirements in mind. Beyond that, she acted as a strategic advocate on my behalf throughout the entire process from beginning to end, acting as an advocate during my lending process, partnering with me to plan accordingly for upcoming costs, and was readily available any time I had a question or concern.

Diana F.


Your Bonuses

For the first 10 people to join my program, I’m giving away a FREE copy of my book, Real Estate Etiquette!


30-Day No Risk, No Questions Asked Guarantee

As an agent myself, I’m as invested as you are in your business. I’m in the business of getting serious, life-changing results for real estate agents like you.

By the end of these 30 days, you’ll have had time to go through the first three modules, meaning you’ll have had the opportunity to uncover how to build relationships with your potential clients BEFORE making a final commitment.

If you don’t feel totally confident and motivated, simply reach out, show us you’ve put in the work through Module 3, and we’ll refund your investment.

When you enroll in

Achieving Real Estate Success, you get...

7 Teaching Modules

  • Creating the Real Estate Business of Your Dreams

  • Attracting Leads and Building Relationships

  • Getting Organized With Systems

  • Buying Clients: Solving Their Problems

  • Selling Clients: Solving Their Problems

  • Providing Great Service for Your Clients

  • Making Them Remember You: The Next Sale and Referrals

PLUS all the Downloadable Tools, Worksheets, and Scripts

  • Revenue Formula Worksheet

  • Goal Defining Worksheet

  • Pivotal Decision Points Assessment

  • 9 Out of the Box Prospecting and Marketing Approaches

  • Cold Calling Scripts

  • Tips for Developing a Success Mindset

  • Sources for Phone Numbers

  • Dream Home Questionnaire

  • How to Build Your Reputation Within the Industry - my unwritten rules of the real estate industry

  • Questions You Must Ask Every Buyer

  • Absorption Worksheet

  • Closing Scripts

  • Prospecting Success Tracker

  • Examples of proven prospecting and marketing techniques

  • Understanding the Seller’s Motivation Checklist

  • Commission Negotiation Script

  • Preparing Your Home for Sale Checklist

  • 5 Ways to Show You Understand Your Clients

  • 12 Statements to Neutralize Your Client’s Emotions

  • Client Communication Quiz so you can adapt to your client’s style

  • 20 Gifts Your Clients Will Love

  • Always Reward Referrals

PLUS Monthly Group Coaching Calls for Six Months

Get Your Blueprint for Building a Profitable, Sustainable Real Estate Business

Achieving Real Estate Success







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What Other Students Wanted to Know Before Enrolling

I'm already busy. How will I find time to take this course?

The fact is: Being busy doesn't equal success.I created this course so you can be busy doing the right things—focusing on what actually moves your business forward.

There's no fluff here. Every lesson is designed to be implemented in your business right away. Most importantly, each step is building the foundation of your business. I can tell you that without this foundation, you will struggle as a real estate agent.

How long does it take to complete this course?

This course usually takes seven weeks to complete.

I need to focus on making money in my business right now. Shouldn't I just buy leads instead?

I don't recommend buying leads for several reasons:

Lead buying is insanely expensive with absolutely no guarantee of sales.

The lead-buying game is extremely competitive and unfair to new agents who can't shell out the cash.

If you get into the habit of buying leads, you'll never know how to get leads on your own. (And you still won't know how to turn those leads into clients, how to earn referrals, or how to navigate the buying/selling process.)

Without a proven system to convert leads into sales, you can quickly run through your marketing budget.

I've already been in business for a few years. Is Achieving Real Estate Success right for me?I need to focus on making money in my business right now. Shouldn't I just buy leads instead?

My question for you is this: Are you getting the results you want in your business? If not, Achieving Real Estate Success can help.

What happens after I enroll?

Once you enroll, your Achieving Real Estate Success experience starts immediately. You'll receive an email confirming your registration. Your email will include instructions on accessing your learning portal, and Module 1 will be available right away. A new module will be unlocked each week for a total of 7 modules. If you have any questions along the way, please email our support team at [email protected].

How long do I have access to the course?

You have lifetime access to the training videos and downloadable worksheets. That means you can complete the course at your own pace, and you can return to it at any time for a refresher. It also means you get access to any future course updates.

How does the guarantee work?

By the end of these 30 days, you'll have had time to go through the first three modules, meaning you'll have had the opportunity to uncover how to build relationships with your potential clients. If you don't feel totally confident and motivated, simply reach out, show us you've put in the work through Module 3, and we'll refund your investment.

Are you ready to get your business on the right track?

You can start Achieving Real Estate Success NOW.

I’ll be straight with you—the real estate business isn’t always easy. And there are plenty of courses, programs, and coaches making overblown promises, like mobs of perfect customers flocking to you, or selling 100 homes while you sleep. Then there’s the promise of leads for BIG bucks.

This is not one of those programs, and I’m not one of those coaches.

No over-the-moon promises, frills, or fluff here. I believe in giving you systems that I know work because I’ve implemented them with incredible success.

Achieving Real Estate Success isn’t a magic digital pill. It’s a step-by-step blueprint, giving you exactly what you need to build a solid foundation for your real estate business.

My promise to you is that you’ll get an insider’s view of the real estate business. (All of the things you need to know to be successful.) And you’ll finish the course feeling more confident and competent as a real estate agent.

Even if you close one sale as a result of this course, this course will be paid for many times over. Education is power - it's about time to invest in yourself and your future!"

I look forward to meeting you inside Achieving Real Estate Success.

Cheering you on,


Achieving Real Estate Success








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Copyright 2024 Catherine Richardson